Friday, December 7, 2012

Keeping The Costs Down: Individual Dental Insurance Plans

Dental care is one of the best aspects of our overall health that we should take care of. Sadly, five out of seven Americans are not getting the right oral or dental care that they should have. Dental insurance is one way to help people get access to dental care. Most would receive a dental plan as part of their employee benefits. However, there are some who don't receive such. In these situations, getting individual dental insurance plans could be an option.

Dental insurance would often cover preventive dental care like regular and bi-annual teeth cleaning, x-rays, and even fillings. There are also treatments which are partially covered, usually as much as 50% like restorative and emergency procedures.

An individual plan would be the best option if you want dental coverage for yourself and your family, if your employer is not providing you with any or if you are self-employed. The cost of the plan would depend on the extent of coverage you would like to have. Individual plans however, are more expensive compared with group plans which are usually offered by companies to their workers.

Since they tend to be more expensive, how could you keep the costs down?

1. By self education. Learn about the different insurance plans and policies available. You could even consult your existing dentist about what coverage would best suit you and your family. You could even ask them, if they are part of any provider network so you could take advantage of the discount if you choose a company where they already work with.

2. By shopping around. There are a lot insurance providers out there. They may offer different rates for similar coverage. The internet is a major tool in shopping for dental care quotes.

3. By asking questions. Contact the insurance company and talk to a representative, not a salesperson, about the extent of the coverage. You could ask about the dental services or procedures which are covered partially and fully by the dental plan.

The dental plan does not have to be expensive. You just need a plan that would cover you and your family's needs.

Access Dental Plan   Is PPO Dental Insurance For You?   Top 10 Reasons to Join a Dental Health Insurance Plan   Dental Insurance Is There To Keep Your Teeth Healthy   

Recommendation For An Individual Dental Coverage

You might now be aware of the importance of a dental insurance for you or your family member. If you were not able to obtain one from your employer, you may seek to get one on your own. Different insurance companies are now offering variety of dental insurance for individuals. When choosing one, it is necessary that you check on what the individual dental coverage is. This is not just to determine what are good to have in your plan but also to know if you'll be able to use and maximize it.

For individual who seeks a dental plan, it is recommended that you look for one that combines basic and preventive dental services. Most insurance are already doing this, they will just vary on what specific services on basic or preventive are included. These are the most common that a person would be using to care for their teeth.

Basic services would include the most common procedures that would just keep your teeth on a normal and healthy condition. Regular cleaning and tooth filling are included in this service. On the other hand, a preventive dental services would include job that are more thorough when it comes to keeping your teeth and gums away from diseases.

For individuals who have the means to fund a good dental plan, it is also good to have a major dental care be included in your plan. These are not provided when you subscribe to basic plans for the procedures are more expensive. Specialization is often needed when performing the dental procedure. Included here are dental jobs on braces/ orthodontics, surgery and dentures.

Access Dental Plan   Is PPO Dental Insurance For You?   Top 10 Reasons to Join a Dental Health Insurance Plan   Dental Insurance Is There To Keep Your Teeth Healthy   Why You Should Think About Individual Dental Coverage   Compare Dental Health Plans   

The Sacred Numbers Of Pythagoras

The great mathematician Pythagoras used sequences of numbers that were tied closely to sacred geometry. It used a similar method of sequential number summation as the mathematician Fibonacci employed. It is far more complex in scope than the Fibonacci sequence uses, but a lot of the numbers are the same using both methods.

For those of you not so familiar with Pythagoras He is the one credited with the equation:

a^2 + b^2 = c^2

Perfect Square = 3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2 = 25 or any whole number multiplied by these numbers; for instance.

(3 x 3)^2 + (3 x 4)^2 = (3 x 5)^2 = 9^2 + 12^2 = 15^2 = 225

Perfect Square = 5^2 + 12^2 = 13^2 = 169

Pythagoras was also a master of the ancient mysteries, and was a founding member of a secret knowledge Fraternity. He kept his secrets closely guarded, and allowed only persons knowledgeable in mathematics, music, and reason into his fold.

This is the mathematical blueprint for the alchemy of harmonic balance and Unity of spirit, mind, and body, through numeric sequencing according to my interpretation of Pythagoras's terms.

Also injected into the sequence is the secret Philosophy of Hermes Trismegistus

1^3Alpha(Perfect Cube) = SOURCE (GOD) = (Divine meditative thought; the Spirit essence, or the ALL)

7 is the only number between 1 and 13 not used as a sacred number, so it is associated with, and sacred to SOURCE. Associated with peace, and rest.

1 = Unity (The Correspondence between all levels and planes of existence; the active essence of God; Aeon,the first Son))

2 = Duality = 1A +1 (The Creation of polar opposites, or duality of being)

3 = the sum of Unity and Duality. = 1 + 2 (The Creation of Vibration, thus all matter;Trinity of God Mind, Sub Mind, logic mind; Cosmos)

4 =2 + 2; = 2^2; = 8 - 4; = 3^√64; = √16 (Division of the sub-conscious/conscious minds; the creation of time through motion, and the Rhythm of life set into motion)

5 = 2 +3; = 3^√125; = √25(Perfect Root; The root of the manifestation of man; the unfolding of Cause, and Effect)

6 = 1+ 2 + 3 = 3 + 3 (Creation of Man; the combination of Spirit, Sub Mind / Mind, and Body; becoming conscious of Self)

8 = 4 + 4; = 16 - 8; = 2^3; = √64 (The manifestation of Gender in all things)

9 = 3^2; = √81(The introduction to Mathematics, Logic, Music, Philosophies, Reason, Science's, Religion's, Agriculture and Civilization)

10 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4; = √100 (Sacred to the ancient Qabbalah, and all the secret wisdom schools; This is the beginning of the alchemy of the mind, the transmutation from a lower state of being to a higher one)

10 = (The beginning of the 2nd incarnation of the prime 1; 2; 3) 1 is the symbol of unity; 0 is the symbol of infinite mind. So 10 is the number of the Unity of the infinite mind. One and Zero were not really considered numbers, they were considered symbols of the infinite Divine.

11 = √121;= 10 + 1

12 = √144 = 6 + 6; = 10 + 2

13 = √169; = 10 + 3

15 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5

16 = 8 + 8; = 32 - 16; = 2^4; = 4^2

20 = 10 + 10 (Beginning of the 3rd incarnation of the prime 1;2;3)

21 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6; = 10 + 11

22 = 11 + 11

23 = 11 + 12

24 = 12 + 12; = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3; = 6 + 6 + 6 + 6; = 8 + 8 + 8

25 = 12 + 13; = 5^2 = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5; = 3^2 + 4^2

27 = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3; = 3^3(Perfect Cube)

28 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7

30 = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3; = 9 + 10 + 11 (Beginning of the 4th and final incarnation of the prime 1;2;3)

31 = 10 + 10 +11

32 = 16 + 16; = 64 - 32; = 2^5; = 10 + 11 + 11

33 = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3; 10 + 11 + 12

36 = 1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3; = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 +8; = 11 + 12 + 13; = 6^2; = 3^2 x 2^2; (Harmony of Body)

45 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 +8 + 9

55 = 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2 + 5^2; = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5; = 27 + 28; = 91 - 36

55 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 +8 + 9 + 10

64 = 32 + 32; = 2^6; = 4^3; = 8^2(Perfect Cube)

66 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 +8 + 9 + 10 + 11; = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 +3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3; = 21+22+23(Harmony of Mind and Body, Master of Self)

78 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 +8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12

81 = 3^4; = 9^2

91 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13

91 = 4^3 + 3^3; = 6^2 + 5^2 + 4^2 + 3^2 + 2^2 + 1^2; = 55 + 36

96 = 31 + 32 + 33; = 32 + 32 + 32; = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3

100 = 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10; = 6^2 + 8^2 = 10^2 (Perfect Square)

121 = 11^2; = 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11

125 = 5^3(Perfect Cube)

144 = 12^2; = 36 + 36 + 36 + 36; = 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12

169 = 5^2 + 12^2 = 13^2; = 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13(Perfect Square)

Reverse Order(The Symmetry of similar terms is important)

169 = 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13; = 5^2 + 12^2 = 13^2(Perfect Square)

144 = 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12; = 36 + 36 + 36 + 36; = 12^2

125 = 5^3(Perfect Cube)

121 = 11^2; = 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11

100 = 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10; = 10^2 (perfect square)

96 = 33 + 32 + 31; = 32 + 32 + 32; = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3

91 = 13 + 12 + 11 + 10 + 9 +8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1

90 = 13 + 12 + 11 + 10 + 9 + 8 + 7+ 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2

88 = 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8; = 13 + 12 + 11 + 10 + 9 + 8+ 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3

85 = 13 + 12 + 11 + 10 + 9+ 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4

81 = 13 + 12 + 11 + 10+ 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5; =3^4; = 9^2

76 = 13 + 12 + 11+ 10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6

70 = 13 + 12+ 11 + 10 + 9 + 8 + 7

64 = 32 + 32; = 2^6; = 4^3; = 8^2(Perfect Cube)

63 = 13+ 12 + 11 + 10 + 9 + 8

55 = 13 + 12 + 11 + 10 + 9

46 = 13 + 12 + 11 + 10

36 = 13 + 12 + 11

33 = 12 + 11 + 10; = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3

32 = 11 + 11 + 10; = 16 + 16; = 64 - 32; = 2^5

31 = 11 + 10 +10

30 = 11 + 10 + 9; = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3; = (End of 4th and final incarnation of the prime 1;2;3)

25 = 5^2 = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5; = 13 + 12; = 3^2 + 4^2 = (Perfect Square)

23 = 12 + 11

22 = 11 + 11

21 = 6 + 5 +4 + 3 + 2 + 1; = 11 + 10

20 = 10 + 10 (End of the 3rd incarnation of the prime 1;2;3)

13 = √169

12 = √144

11 = √121

10 = √100; = (The End of the 2nd incarnation of the prime; the beginning of the illuminated being)

9 = √81 (The beginning of the Correspondence of the 3 planes of existence to the Duality of Mind)

6 = √36 (Man is the mirror image of God, only separated by degree)

5 =3 + 2; =3^√125; = √25(Perfect Root; This is the root of enlightenment, Correspondence through Active Meditation)

3 = the sum of Unity and Duality. = 1 + 2 (Realization of True Self; The true Illuminate)

2 = Duality = 1A +1 (Balancing of the sub-conscious and conscious minds;Opening of the 3rd EYE)

Ascension to Fully Enlightened Being requires the completion of the circle of servitude. One must Know how to be the Master, and the Servant before one can be an ascended Master.

666 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 +... 36; = (Fully enlightened being, Completion of the circle of Servitude)

13^√666 = 1.648884841 This is very close to being equal to (PHI) = φ = 1.618 (This shows that even the Enlightened Being is irrational in nature before the Pure nature of GOD.

The final requirement is that one must sacrifice something of them self for the benefit of the whole. Only then will one be invited to join the Sacred ranks of the ascended Masters.

1 = Unity (United to Source; Ascended Master; These are drawn back to Source by Source)

1^3Alpha = SOURCE (Divine thought; GOD) = Perfect Cube; (7) is the divine number of God

Pythagoras's Numbers

Primary numbers = 1;2;3;6;10;15;21;28;36;45;55;66;78;91;96

2nd incarnation of the prime 1;2,3 = 11;12;13 = 36

3rd incarnation of the prime 1;2;3 = 21;22;23 = 66

4th incarnation of the prime 1;2;3 = 31;32;33 = 96

Secondary numbers = 5;25;36;46;63;70;76;81;85;88;90;91

Squares = 4;8;9;16;25;36;64;81;100;121;144;169

Perfect Squares = 25;100;169

Perfect Cubes = 1Alpha;27;64;125

Fibonacci sequence

1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; 21; 34; 55; 89; 144

Obviously there is a lot involved with Pythagoras's sequence of sacred numbers. There are many aspects of this sequence that I have not even considered yet. Fibonacci kept it fairly simple, although it does go much deeper than this article takes it.

I hope that you are starting to understand the significance of the sacred numbers as they relate to the construction of the Universe and Man's 3 fold spiritual, Mental, and Physical development.

For instance 2^2 √6 = 9.797958971 this is very close to being equal to the gravitational fore of Earth. This could very well be a coincidence, but I doubt it. All life is dependent upon gravity for many different reasons.

Both numbers are sacred, 2 ^2 represents Duality squared. 6 is the number of man, it is derived by taking the sum of the sum of Unity and Duality, and the sum of Unity and Duality = 3 + 3.The square root of 6 represents origin of man, it is an irrational number, I wounder why?

√6 = 2.449489743 this is between 2 and 3, so man was raised from his original state of being to the higher state of being that we exist in now.

The number 666 has long been a feared number by those of certain religious faiths. According to my reasoning, the Pythagorian school of thought would maintain that this number represents mans ascension to enlightenment.

If there are 36 degrees of ascension for the Spirit, Mind, and Body to attain the balance and harmony that Unity is, there would be 12 degrees of ascension for each aspect of Spirit, Mind, and Body.

12 x 36 = 432; 666 - 432 = 234; 432 - 234 = 198 which is very close to equaling (φ^11) - 1 = 197.96;

666 / 12 = 55.5 which is very close to the mean resonance of the resonance of the Earth = 60.57Hz, and the resonance of our Solar system = 50.177Hz;

(60.57 + 50.177) / 2 = 55.3735Hz.

666 / 36 = 18.5; 18.5 / 3 = 6.1666666667 If you divide this by 10 it is very close to equaling phi =.618

3^2((6^2 x 2) + 2) = 666

666, This number simply represents the harmonic Unity of the 3 aspects of the fully enlightened Human Being. I think that someone of this nature would definitely pose a problem to most theological schools of thought prevalent in the world today. Also 666 represents man's elemental construction being composed of the carbon element which has 6 neutrons, 6 protons, and 6 electrons.

I do not wish to imply that we should all go around wearing 666 as a mantra, this number has a negative meaning to a lot of people, so it is best to be understanding. Be respectful of others beliefs, refrain from any practices that would create a negative influence in the minds of others.

There are 2 paths for all beings to follow. One is on the high frequency range, the other on the lower frequency range. All enlightened beings should follow the higher frequency range for obvious reasons.

Even enlightened beings can become negatively influenced by too much power.

Ego is the darkness that casts shadows over the light of Love.

It is not wise to seek power over others, this creates conflict. Greed, and the lust of power over others are what destroys families and Nations.

Be mindful of each thought, and even more so of the words you choose to use, they have more power than you think. Thoughts and words are vibrations that can have a positive or negative affect on us.

Thank you for joining me on my quest for Truth and higher knowledge, I hope that your mind has been opened by my words and equations.

Like all of my articles, this is a work in progress and updates will be frequent.


Annulus Intersections in Plumbing 4-Manifold Compositions   The Sacred Numbers Of Pythagoras   

The Sacred Numbers Of Pythagoras

The great mathematician Pythagoras used sequences of numbers that were tied closely to sacred geometry. It used a similar method of sequential number summation as the mathematician Fibonacci employed. It is far more complex in scope than the Fibonacci sequence uses, but a lot of the numbers are the same using both methods.

For those of you not so familiar with Pythagoras He is the one credited with the equation:

a^2 + b^2 = c^2

Perfect Square = 3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2 = 25 or any whole number multiplied by these numbers; for instance.

(3 x 3)^2 + (3 x 4)^2 = (3 x 5)^2 = 9^2 + 12^2 = 15^2 = 225

Perfect Square = 5^2 + 12^2 = 13^2 = 169

Pythagoras was also a master of the ancient mysteries, and was a founding member of a secret knowledge Fraternity. He kept his secrets closely guarded, and allowed only persons knowledgeable in mathematics, music, and reason into his fold.

This is the mathematical blueprint for the alchemy of harmonic balance and Unity of spirit, mind, and body, through numeric sequencing according to my interpretation of Pythagoras's terms.

Also injected into the sequence is the secret Philosophy of Hermes Trismegistus

1^3Alpha(Perfect Cube) = SOURCE (GOD) = (Divine meditative thought; the Spirit essence, or the ALL)

7 is the only number between 1 and 13 not used as a sacred number, so it is associated with, and sacred to SOURCE. Associated with peace, and rest.

1 = Unity (The Correspondence between all levels and planes of existence; the active essence of God; Aeon,the first Son))

2 = Duality = 1A +1 (The Creation of polar opposites, or duality of being)

3 = the sum of Unity and Duality. = 1 + 2 (The Creation of Vibration, thus all matter;Trinity of God Mind, Sub Mind, logic mind; Cosmos)

4 =2 + 2; = 2^2; = 8 - 4; = 3^√64; = √16 (Division of the sub-conscious/conscious minds; the creation of time through motion, and the Rhythm of life set into motion)

5 = 2 +3; = 3^√125; = √25(Perfect Root; The root of the manifestation of man; the unfolding of Cause, and Effect)

6 = 1+ 2 + 3 = 3 + 3 (Creation of Man; the combination of Spirit, Sub Mind / Mind, and Body; becoming conscious of Self)

8 = 4 + 4; = 16 - 8; = 2^3; = √64 (The manifestation of Gender in all things)

9 = 3^2; = √81(The introduction to Mathematics, Logic, Music, Philosophies, Reason, Science's, Religion's, Agriculture and Civilization)

10 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4; = √100 (Sacred to the ancient Qabbalah, and all the secret wisdom schools; This is the beginning of the alchemy of the mind, the transmutation from a lower state of being to a higher one)

10 = (The beginning of the 2nd incarnation of the prime 1; 2; 3) 1 is the symbol of unity; 0 is the symbol of infinite mind. So 10 is the number of the Unity of the infinite mind. One and Zero were not really considered numbers, they were considered symbols of the infinite Divine.

11 = √121;= 10 + 1

12 = √144 = 6 + 6; = 10 + 2

13 = √169; = 10 + 3

15 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5

16 = 8 + 8; = 32 - 16; = 2^4; = 4^2

20 = 10 + 10 (Beginning of the 3rd incarnation of the prime 1;2;3)

21 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6; = 10 + 11

22 = 11 + 11

23 = 11 + 12

24 = 12 + 12; = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3; = 6 + 6 + 6 + 6; = 8 + 8 + 8

25 = 12 + 13; = 5^2 = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5; = 3^2 + 4^2

27 = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3; = 3^3(Perfect Cube)

28 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7

30 = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3; = 9 + 10 + 11 (Beginning of the 4th and final incarnation of the prime 1;2;3)

31 = 10 + 10 +11

32 = 16 + 16; = 64 - 32; = 2^5; = 10 + 11 + 11

33 = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3; 10 + 11 + 12

36 = 1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3; = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 +8; = 11 + 12 + 13; = 6^2; = 3^2 x 2^2; (Harmony of Body)

45 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 +8 + 9

55 = 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2 + 5^2; = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5; = 27 + 28; = 91 - 36

55 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 +8 + 9 + 10

64 = 32 + 32; = 2^6; = 4^3; = 8^2(Perfect Cube)

66 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 +8 + 9 + 10 + 11; = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 +3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3; = 21+22+23(Harmony of Mind and Body, Master of Self)

78 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 +8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12

81 = 3^4; = 9^2

91 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13

91 = 4^3 + 3^3; = 6^2 + 5^2 + 4^2 + 3^2 + 2^2 + 1^2; = 55 + 36

96 = 31 + 32 + 33; = 32 + 32 + 32; = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3

100 = 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10; = 6^2 + 8^2 = 10^2 (Perfect Square)

121 = 11^2; = 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11

125 = 5^3(Perfect Cube)

144 = 12^2; = 36 + 36 + 36 + 36; = 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12

169 = 5^2 + 12^2 = 13^2; = 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13(Perfect Square)

Reverse Order(The Symmetry of similar terms is important)

169 = 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13; = 5^2 + 12^2 = 13^2(Perfect Square)

144 = 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12; = 36 + 36 + 36 + 36; = 12^2

125 = 5^3(Perfect Cube)

121 = 11^2; = 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11

100 = 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10; = 10^2 (perfect square)

96 = 33 + 32 + 31; = 32 + 32 + 32; = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3

91 = 13 + 12 + 11 + 10 + 9 +8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1

90 = 13 + 12 + 11 + 10 + 9 + 8 + 7+ 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2

88 = 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8; = 13 + 12 + 11 + 10 + 9 + 8+ 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3

85 = 13 + 12 + 11 + 10 + 9+ 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4

81 = 13 + 12 + 11 + 10+ 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5; =3^4; = 9^2

76 = 13 + 12 + 11+ 10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6

70 = 13 + 12+ 11 + 10 + 9 + 8 + 7

64 = 32 + 32; = 2^6; = 4^3; = 8^2(Perfect Cube)

63 = 13+ 12 + 11 + 10 + 9 + 8

55 = 13 + 12 + 11 + 10 + 9

46 = 13 + 12 + 11 + 10

36 = 13 + 12 + 11

33 = 12 + 11 + 10; = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3

32 = 11 + 11 + 10; = 16 + 16; = 64 - 32; = 2^5

31 = 11 + 10 +10

30 = 11 + 10 + 9; = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3; = (End of 4th and final incarnation of the prime 1;2;3)

25 = 5^2 = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5; = 13 + 12; = 3^2 + 4^2 = (Perfect Square)

23 = 12 + 11

22 = 11 + 11

21 = 6 + 5 +4 + 3 + 2 + 1; = 11 + 10

20 = 10 + 10 (End of the 3rd incarnation of the prime 1;2;3)

13 = √169

12 = √144

11 = √121

10 = √100; = (The End of the 2nd incarnation of the prime; the beginning of the illuminated being)

9 = √81 (The beginning of the Correspondence of the 3 planes of existence to the Duality of Mind)

6 = √36 (Man is the mirror image of God, only separated by degree)

5 =3 + 2; =3^√125; = √25(Perfect Root; This is the root of enlightenment, Correspondence through Active Meditation)

3 = the sum of Unity and Duality. = 1 + 2 (Realization of True Self; The true Illuminate)

2 = Duality = 1A +1 (Balancing of the sub-conscious and conscious minds;Opening of the 3rd EYE)

Ascension to Fully Enlightened Being requires the completion of the circle of servitude. One must Know how to be the Master, and the Servant before one can be an ascended Master.

666 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 +... 36; = (Fully enlightened being, Completion of the circle of Servitude)

13^√666 = 1.648884841 This is very close to being equal to (PHI) = φ = 1.618 (This shows that even the Enlightened Being is irrational in nature before the Pure nature of GOD.

The final requirement is that one must sacrifice something of them self for the benefit of the whole. Only then will one be invited to join the Sacred ranks of the ascended Masters.

1 = Unity (United to Source; Ascended Master; These are drawn back to Source by Source)

1^3Alpha = SOURCE (Divine thought; GOD) = Perfect Cube; (7) is the divine number of God

Pythagoras's Numbers

Primary numbers = 1;2;3;6;10;15;21;28;36;45;55;66;78;91;96

2nd incarnation of the prime 1;2,3 = 11;12;13 = 36

3rd incarnation of the prime 1;2;3 = 21;22;23 = 66

4th incarnation of the prime 1;2;3 = 31;32;33 = 96

Secondary numbers = 5;25;36;46;63;70;76;81;85;88;90;91

Squares = 4;8;9;16;25;36;64;81;100;121;144;169

Perfect Squares = 25;100;169

Perfect Cubes = 1Alpha;27;64;125

Fibonacci sequence

1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; 21; 34; 55; 89; 144

Obviously there is a lot involved with Pythagoras's sequence of sacred numbers. There are many aspects of this sequence that I have not even considered yet. Fibonacci kept it fairly simple, although it does go much deeper than this article takes it.

I hope that you are starting to understand the significance of the sacred numbers as they relate to the construction of the Universe and Man's 3 fold spiritual, Mental, and Physical development.

For instance 2^2 √6 = 9.797958971 this is very close to being equal to the gravitational fore of Earth. This could very well be a coincidence, but I doubt it. All life is dependent upon gravity for many different reasons.

Both numbers are sacred, 2 ^2 represents Duality squared. 6 is the number of man, it is derived by taking the sum of the sum of Unity and Duality, and the sum of Unity and Duality = 3 + 3.The square root of 6 represents origin of man, it is an irrational number, I wounder why?

√6 = 2.449489743 this is between 2 and 3, so man was raised from his original state of being to the higher state of being that we exist in now.

The number 666 has long been a feared number by those of certain religious faiths. According to my reasoning, the Pythagorian school of thought would maintain that this number represents mans ascension to enlightenment.

If there are 36 degrees of ascension for the Spirit, Mind, and Body to attain the balance and harmony that Unity is, there would be 12 degrees of ascension for each aspect of Spirit, Mind, and Body.

12 x 36 = 432; 666 - 432 = 234; 432 - 234 = 198 which is very close to equaling (φ^11) - 1 = 197.96;

666 / 12 = 55.5 which is very close to the mean resonance of the resonance of the Earth = 60.57Hz, and the resonance of our Solar system = 50.177Hz;

(60.57 + 50.177) / 2 = 55.3735Hz.

666 / 36 = 18.5; 18.5 / 3 = 6.1666666667 If you divide this by 10 it is very close to equaling phi =.618

3^2((6^2 x 2) + 2) = 666

666, This number simply represents the harmonic Unity of the 3 aspects of the fully enlightened Human Being. I think that someone of this nature would definitely pose a problem to most theological schools of thought prevalent in the world today. Also 666 represents man's elemental construction being composed of the carbon element which has 6 neutrons, 6 protons, and 6 electrons.

I do not wish to imply that we should all go around wearing 666 as a mantra, this number has a negative meaning to a lot of people, so it is best to be understanding. Be respectful of others beliefs, refrain from any practices that would create a negative influence in the minds of others.

There are 2 paths for all beings to follow. One is on the high frequency range, the other on the lower frequency range. All enlightened beings should follow the higher frequency range for obvious reasons.

Even enlightened beings can become negatively influenced by too much power.

Ego is the darkness that casts shadows over the light of Love.

It is not wise to seek power over others, this creates conflict. Greed, and the lust of power over others are what destroys families and Nations.

Be mindful of each thought, and even more so of the words you choose to use, they have more power than you think. Thoughts and words are vibrations that can have a positive or negative affect on us.

Thank you for joining me on my quest for Truth and higher knowledge, I hope that your mind has been opened by my words and equations.

Like all of my articles, this is a work in progress and updates will be frequent.


Annulus Intersections in Plumbing 4-Manifold Compositions   The Sacred Numbers Of Pythagoras   

Three Strategies for Building a Better Relationship With Your Husband's Ex

Congratulations! You are married to the man of your dreams. Suddenly, your dream has turned into a nightmare, as the glee of being a newlywed has been overshadowed by the reality of the emotional, physical and psychological challenges of being a stepmother and a second wife. If this is a second marriage for your spouse it is likely he had a life before you which included a girlfriend or wife and from that relationship(s) children were born. So along with Prince Charming you have also inherited an instant stepmotherhood, and have become relatives with your husband's ex-wife.

It is not always easy, and at times just downright difficult and seemingly near impossible, to have an amicable relationship with someone who shares an intimate history with your current spouse, shares parenting duties with your stepchildren, and your income.

It is to your own psychological and emotional benefit to appropriately manage the relationship between yourself and your husband's ex. Whether you would like to have a close interactive relationship with your spouse's ex-wife, or a distant and civil one, there is no specific manifestation requirement of that relationship. Having an interactive relationship does not necessarily include going for pedicures together. Having a distant and civil relationship, does not mean altogether ignoring her and pretending she does not exist. There are ways for you to handle the relationship with your husband's ex-wife with dignity, style and grace. The following are some valuable tips for you to maintain your sanity while on your journey to becoming a savvy stepmother, and loving wife.

Strategy 1: Understand and Accept the Reality of Your Spouses Ex-Wife's Existence

No matter how many times you wish upon a star, your husband's ex-wife will just not go away. She is a strong presence in the life of your stepchildren and whether or not you want to admit it, she is also a presence in the life of you and your spouse. Women who have effectively navigated the relationship with their husband's ex-wife, find that one key to the success can be summed up in one word: Acceptance. Accept the facts. Accept that your husband had a life before you. Accept the fact that your husband's ex-wife is the mother of your spouses' children, your stepchildren. Accept the existence of the former family. Accept that finances will likely be shared. Accept that her home will be different from your home. Accept that your stepchildren have a sense of loyalty to their biological mother which may manifest in difficulty in their relationship formation with you.

Strategy 2: Keep Others - Especially Children - Out of the Middle

In a step family situation, it is not unusual for children to get caught in the middle of adult conflicts. Children are sometimes intentionally or unintentionally used as messengers, mediators, and can also be used to emotionally scar significant adults in their life. It is essential that as an adult, you conduct yourself accordingly, and keep adult issues between adults. This may mean making compromises, and stretching yourself in ways you never thought you could. Always remember, that all the children in your life count on you, including your stepchildren. As an adult in their life it is vital that you remember children are entitled to have healthy and happy relationships. Encourage them and help to nurture their desire to love the adults in their life, including their biological mother.

Strategy 3: Rely on Your Faith

Many women in stepfamilies report that reliance on faith is essential to their overall well-being. Women who are suffering from deep sadness, grief and on days they felt extremely overwhelmed, were comforted greatly when they discovered or rediscovered God's power and his purpose for their life. It is very helpful for many women to identify Bible verses which provide them support, strength and encouragement. They also recounted times when their faith and spiritual connections consistently helped them in what seemed to be impossible situations. Relying on God for strength, guidance, direction and for forgiveness has proved very helpful for women in all types of stepfamily configurations.

Which of These 3 Stepfathering Mistakes Are You Making?   Fostering - A Challenging Task   A Look at Step-Parenthood   Fostering - A Challenging Task   One Stepfather's Story - Sergeant Philip Harrison   One Stepfather's Story - Sergeant Philip Harrison   

Using Intrusion Detection System to Combat Unauthorized Actions

Attacks on the information systems and networks can ruin them. The availability of assessment tools over the internet has made it easier for people to exploit information security. Hackers can easily scan, monitor, identify and interfere in the systems. Firewalls are also capable of banning the illegal access that can destroy enterprise networks. Something has to be done to safeguard the back doors or cover the leakage in the system. Intrusion detection system is designed to take care of ineffective protection in the system.

An intrusion detection system is designed to check traffic of the network, monitor the suspicious activities and warn the system administrator. It might also respond against the malicious or inconsistent traffic by hindering the user or IP address from reaching the system.

There are many different types of IDS available proceeding towards the mission of managing the corrupted traffic in several ways. One can look for host-based (HIDS) and network-based (NIDS) systems for taking care of the network security. Besides, there are also IDS that monitors the movements by tracking the particular signatures. They detect the signatures of the well-known threats, which is similar to antivirus software. Assessments of the traffic patterns which are different from the baseline and checking for anomalies; IDS excellently checks and prevent against malware. Another highly appreciated feature of IDS is observing, alerting and it also plan out actions or responses against the threats.

Below mentioned is information about the type of intrusion detection

Network-based IDS: NIDS are installed on the tactical points or can be installed at points inside the network, so that it can be ordered to check the traffic on the network. Though in reality all incoming and outgoing traffic can be checked, doing this can affect speed of the computer network.

Signature Based: Signature based system checks the packets on the system and then performs the comparison combating the database of attributes or signatures from identified corrupted threats. This can be well associated with the anti-virus software's malware detection. But there is a disadvantage associated with this system because a gap would be generated between the new identified threats and signature used for searching the threat that being used on IDS. The gap duration will prove beneficial for any new threat to attack.

Host-based IDS: HIDS works on individual devices or on the system. Its action begins by reviewing all the incoming and outgoing packets on the device only and signaling the administrator about any unauthorized activity.

VPN Services Vs Proxy Services   Email Archiving Protects Your Data From The Wrong Kind Of People   VeriSign Secure Site Pro (SGC) With EV SSL for Securing Online Transactions   Identification of DDoS Attacks, Symptoms and Possible Solutions to Prevent Them   Why You May Want to Hide Your IP   How To Avoid Credit Card Fraud   

Humic Acid Definition and Benefits

There are a number of chemicals that exist. One of the most interesting chemicals around is humic acid. This chemical is one of the basic elements of organic things such as coal, streams, lakes and ocean water. This substance is produce by dead organic matter so it is in a way a recycled element as well. One thing to note is that this substance is not a single acid but rather a combination of multiple acids. These acids include carboxyl, phenolate, dibasic acid and also tribasic acid. With humic acid you will have the means to supplement soil in agriculture and also use it as a supplement for nutrition as well. As a result this substance has many beneficial uses.

When it comes to humic acid one of the most common uses for this chemical is for agriculture. This acid is a supplement for soil and therefore helps provide many benefits. When you supplement soil you will make it softer and also healthier. As a result it will have more of the proper nutrients and therefore make growing foods and plants easier. If someone is a farmer then using this acid product will greatly help them produce crops of food more easily and efficiently. By using this substance those in agriculture will have one thing they can use which will allow them to accomplish their tasks and be more productive.

Another good thing about this acid is that it can be used as a nutritional supplement. Since eating a healthy diet is essential to being healthy, it is always helpful to have supplements so that you can have optimal nutrition at all times. By using this acid you will have the means to get more of the nutrients you need to stay healthy, increase energy and also help build muscle. Using this acid is great for all people especially bodybuilders and athletes. The acid will help these people improve their performance along with giving them the means to more easily boost their energy levels, increase muscle mass and endurance. This will also give them the ability to be healthier as they will be sure to get proper vitamins and other things they need.

Fortunately for consumers, you can get this acid product with ease. You can go to various retail stores that sell these products or you can go online. If you are looking to get this product at retail stores you will want to find out and make sure that the product you are looking for has this particular acid. If you go to a website you will want to look for the same thing. During the process of looking for this acid product you will want to one's that are either for gardening or nutritional supplements. Once you find the product you are looking for, then all you need to do is order it online and then wait for this product to be shipped to your home or office.

What Does Being a Zoo Keeper Involve?   

What Does Being a Zoo Keeper Involve?

To be keeper for a day is a truly memorable experience. If you are a zoo keeper you can get up close to big zoo animals like lions and tigers as a big cat keeper, or meet and feed herbivores such as White Rhinos, Giraffes and Lowland Tapirs.

As a zoo keeper you will be comfortable with all types of animals including large animals like zebras and small animals like meerkats and snakes. To apply for a job keeper ideally you will have had some experience of working with animals in a practical environment, such as at a vet or a farm. This experience will stand you in good stead, especially when it comes to dealing calmly with unforseen problems.

Being a zoo keeper is a potentially dangerous but incredibly rewarding experience.

You will perform a number of tasks such as:

• Helping with cleaning out and daily maintenance of the enclosure. • Preparing meals and feeding the animals • Enrichment activities for the animals such as scent trails for the big cats. • Environmental enrichment.

Zoo keepers require a number of skills to be successful. For instance they must work well both on their own and as part of a team. Having good communication skills is a must and in this translates to both communicating with the animals and communicating with your fellow staff. In terms of qualifications you will need good maths and English GCSEs, with science preferred and preferably a national vocational qualification in animal care and husbandry.

When you are a keeper there is a lot of training you need to go through to conform to Health and Safety regulations, and to act safely and responsibly, both for you and the animals.

It is also necessary to be able to think laterally and solve problems. For instance if the animals are not behaving in a way which is good for them or other zoo animals, you may need to come up with creative ways to get them to change their behaviour. This is one of the most fun and rewarding aspects, as well as one of the most challenging.

If you think that being a zoo keeper might be for you then there are a number of zoos which run one off day experiences where you can try what it is really like to do the job. Consider doing one of these experiences and then you will have a better idea of whether the role is for you.

What Does Being a Zoo Keeper Involve?   

Preparation Is Key to Hurricane Protection

Morgan City sits on the banks of the Atchafalaya River, and is about 70 miles west of New Orleans, 60 miles south of Baton Rouge and 60 miles east of Lafayette. Morgan City is known around the world for its fishing, hunting and wonderful Cajun food, and is the gateway to the Gulf of Mexico for the shrimping and oilfield industries.

Its proximity to the gulf makes it vulnerable to hurricanes, and one of the worst to hit there was Hurricane Andrew, who came ashore about twenty miles away. Andrew was the second most destructive hurricane in United States history, after it crossed over Florida and then regained strength in the Gulf of Mexico. Andrew caused more property damage than Hugo, Agnes and Betsy combined, with damages estimated at $25 billion. Twenty-three people died during the storm.

Morgan City is dedicated to minimizing loss of life and property associated with the flooding and storms that the city is prone to, and it provides education and prevention tools to help their community during these natural disasters. Knowing what to do during a tropical storm or hurricane is critical to your safety, and the most important thing that you can do for yourself is to be prepared. This information is provided to help the residents of the city who are vulnerable to hurricanes and in flood prone areas. Prevention, preparation, and education is the best way to keep yourself and property damage free.

Flood and Wind Safety Suggestions:

Learn the safest route from your home or business to higher, safer ground, but listen to reports of flooding conditions. You may have to go another way, so always have an alternate route.

Keep an emergency hurricane kit packed; you should have non-perishable food, plenty of water, flashlights and batteries, and a battery-powered radio in case the power goes out.

If an evacuation is called, go immediately to a shelter, hotel or relative's house. If you have pets, make sure they are cared for; check shelters to see if they will take your pets, and bring sufficient food and water for them and yourself.

Turn off all utilities, gas and electricity at the main switch. Stay away from power lines and electrical lines. Watch for gas leaks.

Don't walk through flowing water, even if you think it's safe. Drowning is the number one cause of flood related deaths. Currents can be deceptive; six inches of moving water can knock you down.

Do not drive through a flooded area. You can't see the road underneath the water; there could be holes, obstacles, or debris to impede your passage.

Install hurricane shutters on your home. Not only do hurricane shutters protect you from high winds and wind-borne debris, they protect you from the pressure changes that happen during a hurricane. Pressure changes can rip your roof off and destroy your home, and hurricane shutters can stop this.

Dealing With the Summer Weather   Getting Ready For a Storm   Humidity in Climate Control   Why Own a Wireless Weather Station?   How to Be Ready for a Harsh Winter   

Adjusting to Living in a Blended Family

Common sense will be one of the necessary prerequisites for successfully blending a family. This includes being kind to each other, as we are with friends and even those we've just met. Why then not with those in our stepfamily? Treat others as you would like to be treated, be polite, be respectful, try to be understanding of each others feelings, be patient and don't lose your temper. Would you lose your temper with a work colleague or a classmate? Be willing to try to get along, have a good attitude, be positive and be accepting. And be sure to offer praise even if what you are praising is not as good as you wanted it to be, praise the effort instead. Be forgiving.

The quote, 'United we stand, divided we fall', has been used by many throughout history. This is an apt quote for a blended family to remember to help them work together. It will also be important to have house rules - the same for everyone, parents included. Other things that are important when trying to blend two families together is to encourage laughter, try not to allow scenarios that may set step-siblings up to be competitive, i.e.: have an equal amount of pictures displayed of all the children in the house. (you may think no one is going to count but they will); make sure that all children have equally nice rooms, have equal opportunities for conversation and equal praise or at the very least encouragement.

Other things which will help with the transition is to be courteous, talk with each stepchild about their interests so some type of rapport over time can be developed and, encourage positive dinner discussions, i.e.: about school, their friends, what they'd like to do, where they'd like to go, etc.

Ensure that the house is full of love and that affection is readily shown. With children it is the little things that count, things such as a smile, a gentle touch, a kind word, blowing a kiss, respecting their abilities and of course, telling them you love them often. Children who know they are loved don't have to prove their worth, they will develop self-esteem and have confidence. Those are the children who are better able to work through changes in their lives.

As time goes by, many families with stepchildren will be close-knit. But like any family, there may be tensions and problems, but this is normal. How it's handled will be the difference in whether it is a big problem or a small one.

I believe the following quote by Scott Stanley is a perfect motto for a blended family: 'The challenge is to help couples turn 'I do' into 'we can'.'

Another quote by Ruth Bell Graham is a good one to remember also: 'A good marriage is the union of two forgivers.'

Fostering - A Challenging Task   A Look at Step-Parenthood   Fostering - A Challenging Task   One Stepfather's Story - Sergeant Philip Harrison   

Which of These 3 Stepfathering Mistakes Are You Making?

Regrettably, many stepfathers are compared to movie and TV villains. For instance, there are the Stepfather movies I, II, III and now there's the Showtime series Dexter. Dexter is a psychotic police blood splatter expert who's a stepdad and serial killer. In the media, the criminal behavior of the 1% helps to foster further the unsavory reputation of stepdads in general. Thankfully, that doesn't have to be the case for your new blended family. As a new stepdad, you will have to be careful about how you come across to your new stepchildren from the very beginning. Sometimes, stepdads tend to try too hard, which may be viewed negatively by the kids. Other times, because you fear rejection and are being reserved and cautious you may be perceived as unconcerned and uncaring. Since this is a difficult situation for everyone involved and as the adult you are expected to take the lead, there are common mistakes you might not be aware of. Here are three common stepparenting mistakes you should watch out for:

Forcing Your Way of Doing Things

There is a natural tendency for stepfather's to have behavioral expectations based on their own parenting experience and/or what you feel is the "right way" to do things. You may also want to let your new family know there's a "new sheriff" in town. Put yourself in your stepchildren's shoes. How easy would it be for you to adjust to this new Dad and his rules? Remember your wife's family operation was running before you entered the picture. Take it slow, it's not easy to suddenly insist on your own rules and ways of doing things when your stepchildren have not grown up with you and do not know you very well. As a stepparent, there are different ways you can take when developing a bond with your new stepchildren. For example, striking up little conversations with the kids on their interests and activities even if they seem unresponsive or hostile. Whatever you do don't try to force a relationship. The newlywed parents should address any concerns the kids may have about their new family. Ideally, the groundwork for this should be laid before the marriage. Involve the children as much as possible in the creation of the new family. The Pretty Lady's children and I had participated in several sessions of family counseling before we said, "I do." I also babysitted them on several occasions before we were married giving them an opportunity for them to know me one on one. Work with your wife to create an environment of safety and trust where the children can express confidently express their feelings and be heard. Listening to the children may be all that's needed to diffuse a situation. In some instances, kids may not voice their concerns out of fear of retaliation from the new parent or their new siblings. This is why it is essential all parties feel they are respected and able to voice their feelings freely.

Not Partnering with Your Spouse

Stepdads may already have an idea of how they will introduce themselves and incorporate their role into the new blended family. Be patient and don't' jump into things. Early on, take the time, to observe and see how things work in your new family. Work with your wife to ensure you and her on the same page regarding parenting. Some critical questions you should answer.

What are your parenting styles; authoritarian, authoritative or permissive? If your styles are different, how will you blend them to provide the children with consistency and unity? How will disciplined by handled? How do they communicate?

Again, conversations to answer these questions can and should begin before saying, "I do." These are just some questions you should address. Remember you and your wife are a team and your approach to parenting should be as a team. Make sure you both have a clear understanding of your game plan if there are areas of conflict. Also, if they're older children include them in coming up with the house rules and what could be the consequence when these rules are violated.

Being Negative on Your Spouse's Ex

If you find yourself angry at your wife's former partner or are feeling bitter and uncomfortable whenever there is mention of the past relationship, you must start learning to let go and move forward. Keep the past where it belongs - in the past. Keep in mind even though you try hard not to show your feelings, the children may feel your anger and resentment when their dad is brought into the conversation. Never badmouth their dad even if they are the ones who start saying negative things. It is also a big no-no to emphasize what your wife's ex did wrong in the house before or with rearing the children. When you suggest your own rules and come up with activities, do not compare these things with how things used to be done by the ex. You also don't need to make your stepchildren side with you. There are no sides to be taken. Their biological parent remains their dad, and you should not even attempt to take that away. Cultivating a relationship with your stepchildren's dad will go a long way in eliminating any loyalty conflicts your children may be experiencing.


Even in the best unions, blended families like their nuclear counterparts will have their share of problems. The problems will be just different. This shouldn't be looked at as a disaster but rather as an opportunity to sit down as a family and discuss what's not working also the possible ways to change them in order to suit everybody's needs. And even if that's not possible, at least everyone will feel as though they were important, and respected enough, to have their feelings addressed. It takes time for blended families to bond, and a blended family is always a work in progress, even under the best of circumstances. When weeks or months have passed without a glitch, and everything has run smoothly, then it should be a time for a family celebration! Whether it is a movie or game night or a huge family dinner, the purpose is to celebrate a milestone of building your new family. No one said it would be easy, and even if things still aren't perfect, it would help to take a step back and let everyone see the progress you have made as a family-no matter how small.

Fostering - A Challenging Task   A Look at Step-Parenthood   Fostering - A Challenging Task   One Stepfather's Story - Sergeant Philip Harrison   One Stepfather's Story - Sergeant Philip Harrison   

What People Need to Know About a Forum Posting Service

The search engine ranking that a website has, has a lot of consequences for it. This ranking is what will determine whether the website will be able to get a lot of publicity and visibility online through search engines or not. The higher the business is placed in search engine rankings the higher the number of visitors it will attract to its site.

The higher the number of visitors a business has to its site, then the more sales it will have. A business that is able to get more sales will at the end of the day make more profits, and this is ideally what all businesses are looking for, although it is easier said that it is done.

People who want to benefit from it need to remember that the quality of their search engine optimization matters if they are to achieve their aims. That is why they are needed to go for those services which are guaranteed to increase their search engine ranking and also increase their traffic.

A good and effective way of doing this is through forum posting. Through forum posting, a business essentially gets comments posted in forums and then has quality links established from the forum to its website. The threads as well as the posts that are submitted are included in the URL of the website thus ensuring that it is able to get these quality back links.

A forum posting service needs professional as well as qualified people who know how to write content that will be interesting as well as specific and relevant so that this forum posting service can be able to work. This is because a forum is all about the sharing of the content and having discussions and debates. Therefore, it is important if a business or an individual can be able to get forum posting professionals who have a team with them that is able to have good and appropriate comments written in these forums.

There are also other benefits that are gotten from a forum posting service. As the search engine rankings of a website rise, so does the credibility of the business. This is because customers and users believe that the higher a business is ranked then the better it is. Therefore, they take the highly ranked businesses to be more credible compared to the low ranked ones.

But in order for the forum posting to work, there is need for the businesses and individuals who are going for this service to make sure that they have the right professional to work with. This is because the outcome of this forum posting service is directly related to the kind of expert one gets. If he or she is good, then a business will be able to save a lot of money in the process since they will be able to get a service that achieves its goals as well as avoid redoing the work which can cost more money and more time.

3 Step Process To Get Highly Targeted Leads Every Day From Multiple Forums   Is USENET Good for News?   Ways to Make Money Online: Get Paid to Answer Questions   Discover How Online Discussion Forums Drive Traffic and Boost Site SEO   4 Great Reasons For Joining A Forum To Increase Sales   

How To Prepare A Base For A Stone Or Paver Walkway Or Patio

Building a nice place to walk or sit outdoors is a great project to do yourself. There is a lot of satisfaction gained because you see and use it everyday. For that reason it really pays to do a good job on the foundation of your project. You don't want to wish later on that you had done a better job.

First steps are important. Some people want to just get it done and will bypass important considerations and preparations. So, here are a few situations you need to watch.

Determine where you want your walk or patio. Look for tree roots that will be difficult to remove, but worse, may come right back and disrupt your finished project. See if there is standing water or a low spot that gets runoff across it and will leave dried dirt on your stone. If so, you have to raise your project to accommodate that situation.

Once you have a good site you need to remove the top layers of soil until you get to the depth you have determined is sufficient. How deep is that? You can use a thinner base for a walkway or patio than you can for a driveway or parking area and the calculations are easy.

First, what is the thickness of your stone? You will need 1.5 to 2 inches of material to set your stone into. You can use sand, but I prefer limestone dust - sometimes called limestone screenings. You also need 3 to 4 inches of crushed stone as a base. So add those up and subtract a half-inch for settling.

For example, say your stone is 2.5 inches thick, your dust is 2 inches deep, your crushed gravel is 3 inches deep - that's 7.5 inches - and subtract your settling figure of a half-inch - now you know you have to dig a minimum of 7 inches deep. It can be deeper if you remove a stone or root, and just fill in with additional crushed stone, but shallower is not good.

Once you have the depth you need, get a tamper and tamp the dirt down so it is very firm. Add your crushed stone, level it with a rake and tamp it. Add the limestone screenings but don't tamp them yet. Use a screed to level your area and give it a slight tilt for rain runoff. About 1/16th inch per foot will be sufficient and not be noticeable when you walk on it or sit on it with your beverage.

Now you can lay your stones. Once you have them in place and all your adjustments have been made, tamp them down into the limestone dust base. Put a board or piece of plywood down first so you don't crack or chip the stone.

If you placed the stone tight together you will have to use fine sand to fill the cracks to tie them together. If you have wider spaces, 1/8 inch or more, you can use more of the limestone dust. Using the limestone is preferred so you will have more stable finished project that will last longer.

You will hear people say to use sand so you have good drainage. You really don't want water getting under your walk or patio though. It freezes in winter and buckles the stone. Water washes away your sand over time. Weeds will grow in the cracks. If you have a poured concrete walk or patio you don't drill homes in it for drainage. My opinion is to make your project so the water will run off of it and very little actually goes under it. Make your base stiffer and you will have a project that will outlast you.

Good luck on your project and have fun!

Black Granite - A Beautiful Flooring Material   How To Retain The Shine On Marble Tiles   What Is Manufactured Stone?   How To Build A Small Brick Wall In Your Garden Without Calling In A Builder   

Choosing the Right Bodybuilding Supplement

Before wasting your money on a pile of bodybuilding supplements you really need to work out what you are hoping to achieve. Don't lose sight of the fact that sound nutrition forms the basis of any muscle building program and no amount of supplementation with the latest and greatest products will make up for bad eating habits. The bottom line is, bodybuilding supplements should be used IN ADDITION to regular food, not INSTEAD OF it.

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's go on to think about what supplements could be of use and this is something that can only be determined by your physical and performance goals. Don't make the mistake of copying your training partners or believing all the garbage spouted in magazine ads. Decide first what you want to achieve and then choose the supplements that will help you reach your goals.

To help you make an informed choice, the most popular and useful bodybuilding supplements available today are listed below, broadly divided into two goal-related categories.

Determined to build muscle? This cannot be achieved without dedication, sheer hard work and sound nutrition. With a solid foundation in place you can help the process along with supplements like creatine, whey protein, prohormones, testosterone boosters and amino acids.

Need to lose fat? There is no point in building awesome muscles if they're covered by layers of fat. Once again, the key to success is hard work but you can boost fat loss by using products from supplement categories that include fat burners, stimulant-free products, appetite suppressants and carb blockers.

Many more supplements are available to support your bodybuilding endeavors. These include energy boosters and products aimed at enhancing the condition of your mind and body. As we progress through this series of articles we'll look at each of these in turn.

In the meantime you can find out more by visiting the web site listed below.

Choosing the Right Bodybuilding Supplement   Choosing the Right Bodybuilding Supplement   

Choosing the Right Bodybuilding Supplement

Before wasting your money on a pile of bodybuilding supplements you really need to work out what you are hoping to achieve. Don't lose sight of the fact that sound nutrition forms the basis of any muscle building program and no amount of supplementation with the latest and greatest products will make up for bad eating habits. The bottom line is, bodybuilding supplements should be used IN ADDITION to regular food, not INSTEAD OF it.

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's go on to think about what supplements could be of use and this is something that can only be determined by your physical and performance goals. Don't make the mistake of copying your training partners or believing all the garbage spouted in magazine ads. Decide first what you want to achieve and then choose the supplements that will help you reach your goals.

To help you make an informed choice, the most popular and useful bodybuilding supplements available today are listed below, broadly divided into two goal-related categories.

Determined to build muscle? This cannot be achieved without dedication, sheer hard work and sound nutrition. With a solid foundation in place you can help the process along with supplements like creatine, whey protein, prohormones, testosterone boosters and amino acids.

Need to lose fat? There is no point in building awesome muscles if they're covered by layers of fat. Once again, the key to success is hard work but you can boost fat loss by using products from supplement categories that include fat burners, stimulant-free products, appetite suppressants and carb blockers.

Many more supplements are available to support your bodybuilding endeavors. These include energy boosters and products aimed at enhancing the condition of your mind and body. As we progress through this series of articles we'll look at each of these in turn.

In the meantime you can find out more by visiting the web site listed below.

Choosing the Right Bodybuilding Supplement   Choosing the Right Bodybuilding Supplement   

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